Qingdao Xinguangzheng Plastic Floor for Pig This high quality plastic slatted flooring is suitable for using in flat decks or farrowing pen. It is suitable for weaner and piggy's range of activities in sows, so that piggy could not get sick easily.
We manufacture plastic slatted flooring weaning piglet with diffierent size. An individual layout could be customized by the types and sizes provided.
Advantages1. Keep the pig stall clean and provide a healthy environment.
2. Reduce the contact between pig and dung.
3. Corrosion resistant, easy-cleaning, time and labor cost saving.
4. Protective effect to the piglets .
5. Provide a superior farrowing platform.
6. Effective dung leaking, easy to clean and install.
7. Thickening floor, strong compression resistance make it impossible to break by pigling.
8. Different colors and sizes can be produced according to customers'requirement.

Xinguangzheng Worldwide Business Layout
Contact: Carrey Wong
Mobile: +86 17806251070