China 12 Bands Portable All in One Handheld Cell Phone Mobile Phone Jammer, Find details about China Jammer, Handheld Jammer from 12 Bands Portable All in One Handheld Cell Phone Mobile Phone Jammer
European standard | American standard |
LOJACK:167-175MHz | LOJACK:167-175MHz |
CDMA&GSM: 850-960MHz | CDMA&GSM:850-960MHz |
GSM/PCS: 1805-1990MHz | GSM/PCS: 1805-1990MHz |
3G: 2110-2170MHz | 3G: 2110-2170MHz |
4GLTE: 790-826MHz | 4GLTE: 725-770MHz |
4GWIMAX: 2620-2690MHz | 4GWIMAX: 2345-2400MH |
GPS:1570-1580MHz | GPS:1570-1580MHz |
WIFI:2400-2500MHz | WIFI:2400-2500MHz |
GPS L2-L5:1170-1230MHz | GPS L2-L5:1170-1230MHz |
315MHz | 315MHz |
433MHz | 433MHz |
868MHZ | 868MHz |
*World first 12 bands all-in-one frequencies blocking all cell phone signals,GPS,WIFI,RF signals.
*Jamming range 5 to 20 meters(@-75dbm,depends on signal strength in given area.)
*Hand-haled design,plam size,similar to cell phone or Walkie-Talkie.
*Easy to carry,can be put into the pocket,suspended or wear on belt.
*With DIP switch,can turn on/off any signal band without affect other bands.
*With car charger,can used in car directly,DC12V.AC power supply is also available.
*Good cooling system,with 3 cooking fans,face temperature below 42ºC even work 2H continuously(using under normak temperature)
*With built-in battery,can work 80 minutes:use the world's most safety high-capacity battery,can be repeated charging.
Shielding Range: 5~20M(-75dBm,depending on the distance of base station in an open filed)
Total output power: 10W
Power supply: 50-60Hz, 100-240V AC,DC12V.
Dimension: 171*98*58mm(not include antennas)
Full set weight: 2kg
Jammed Signal Types:CDMA,GSM,PCS,DCS,3G,4G WIMAX,4G LTE,315,433,868,GPS,WIFI,LOJACK...