Newcastle Disease (strain La Sota) Live Vaccine for Poultry

China Newcastle Disease (strain La Sota) Live Vaccine for Poultry, Find details about China Veterinary Vaccine, Poultry Vaccine from Newcastle Disease (strain La Sota) Live Vaccine for Poultry

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Newcastle Disease (strain La Sota) Live Vaccine for Poultry


Newcastle disease is an infection of domestic poultry and other bird species with virulent Newcastle disease virus (NDV). It is a worldwide problem that presents primarily as an acute respiratory disease, but depression, nervous manifestations, or diarrhea may be the predominant clinical form. Severity depends on the virulence of the infecting virus and host susceptibility. Occurrence of the disease is reportable and may result in trade restrictions.
Etiology and Pathogenesis:
NDV, synonymous with avian paramyxovirus serotype 1 (PMV-1), is an RNA virus and the most important of the 11 known PMV serotypes as a pathogen for poultry. The original classification of NDV isolates into one of three virulence groups by chicken embryo and chicken inoculation as virulent (velogenic), moderately virulent (mesogenic), or of low virulence (lentogenic) has been abbreviated for regulatory purposes. Velogens and mesogens are now classified as virulent NDV (vNDV), the cause of Newcastle disease and reportable infection, whereas infections with lentogens, the low virulence NDV (loNDV) widely used as live vaccines, are not reportable. Clinical manifestations vary from high morbidity and mortality to asymptomatic infections. Severity of infection depends on virus virulence and age, immune status, and susceptibility of the host species. Chickens are the most and waterfowl the least susceptible of domestic poultry; however, some differences may be seen if the NDV strain is adapted to a particular species.

Epidemiology and Transmission:

Virulent NDV strains are endemic in poultry in most of Asia, Africa, and some countries of North and South America. Other countries, including the USA and Canada, are free of those strains in poultry and maintain that status with import restrictions and eradication by destroying infected poultry. Cormorants, pigeons, and imported psittacine species are more commonly infected with vNDV and have also been sources of vNDV infections of poultry. NDV strains of low virulence are prevalent in poultry and wild birds, especially waterfowl. Infection of domestic poultry with loNDV contributes to lower productivity.

Infected birds shed virus in exhaled air, respiratory discharges, and feces. Virus is shed during incubation, during the clinical stage, and for a varying but limited period during convalescence. Virus may also be present in eggs laid during clinical disease and in all parts of the carcass during acute vNDV infections. Chickens are readily infected by aerosols and by ingesting contaminated water or food. Infected chickens and other domestic and wild birds may be sources of NDV. Movement of infected birds and transfer of virus, especially in infective feces, by the movement of people and contaminated equipment or litter are the main methods of virus spread between poultry flocks.

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