3-25mm Building Glass, Tempered Glass, Insulated, Laminated Glass |

Pilkington Solar-E™
Pilkington introduces another breakthrough in pyrolytic solar control technology with the Pilkington Solar-E™ Family of products.
In the world of design it is about aesthetics and choices. In the world of glass it is about delivering high performance, durable coatings faster to the market. Pilkington brings the two worlds together with Pilkington Solar-E™ Clear and tints.
Pilkington has added Pilkington Solar-E™ On a palette of natural colors - Grey, Blue-Green, Evergreen and Arctic Blue, to accompany Pilkington Solar-E™ Clear and our other lines of solar control pyrolytic low-e products. This is in response to the demand for lower solar heat gain, lower reflectivity and glare control.
Pilkington Solar-E™ Offers natural light, energy
Conservation, and contributes to the sustainability of your project. It can help achieve LEED® Or Green Certification.
Widely used in building, hotels and glass curtain wall, which is usually processed to tempered reflective glass, laminated reflective glass, insulated reflective glass.
Monolithic Glass Performance Data1, 10
Normal thicknessVisible lightSolar EnergyU-factorSolar heat gain coefficientShading Coefficient
Tran. Ref. %Tran. %Ref. %UV tran. %U. S summerU. S winterEuropean
In. Mm. Outerinner
Pilkington Solar-E™ (coating on #2 Surface)
Pilkington Solar-E™ Clear1/466089447440.500.653.70.520.61
Pilkington Solar-E™ Grey1/463058236130.500.653.70.360.42
Pilkington Solar-E™ Blue-Green1/465178296210.500.653.70.410.48
Pilkington Solar-E™ Evergreen1/46456920580.500.653.70.340.40
Pilkington Solar-E™ Arctic Blue1/463668205130.500.653.70.330.39
Competitive advantage:
Thermal Control: The low-e coating reduces the emissivity of glass and lower the U-Factor.
Solar Control: Pilkington Solar-E™ Has the lowest SHGC of any pyrolytic (hard coat) family of products. Low SHGC values can result in significant savings in utility costs.
Color and Surface Uniformity: Available on Clear, Grey, Blue-Green, Evergreen and Arctic Blue, the soft colors make Pilkington Solar-E™ Ideal for new construction and replacement glass.
Daylighting: Provides good visible light transmittance, helping to reduce the need for interior lighting.
Reduced Glare: Helps control glare, reducing the need for blinds and shades.
Improved Visibility: Balances low exterior and interior reflectance for better visibility through the glass.
Low UV (ultraviolet) Transmittance:
Reduced UV rays means less fading.
Durability of the Coating: Pyrolytic coated glass can be handled, cut, tempered, bent and fabricated into insulating glass units using standard techniques. It has a virtually unlimited shelf life. It can be single glazed, inventoried locally and edge deletion is not required. It can also have a ceramic frit and silk screen applied to the coated surface. It will not oxidize or change color over time.