Mixer-injector, also called venturing injector, has a constricting portion, a cylindrical injection portion, and
an expanding portion, with an injector port entering the injection portion. Mixer-injector is used for injecting
and mixing fluids (gases and liquids) into a confined flowing water stream. Twisting vanes are formed in
constricting portion, and straightening is formed in expanding portion. The twisting vanes give a rotary
component of motion to an outer portion of the water stream in the injection portion, and the straightening
vanes remove at least some of it in the expanding portion, both to cause more pronounced vigorous movement
of bubbles, and improved the solution of treatment substances.
1) Special low flow rate design for small water treatment solution
2) Low consume power, long service life, easy installation and maintenance, and reliable performance
3) The power can be controlled by manual or automatic
4) PVDF Material, resists the ozone oxidation and ensures the long time using
5) Intersection check valve: Resists to nickel alloy-C spring, fluorine rubber sealing Mat, TEFION ball, KEI-F base
6) Ozone input flow rate: Install meter valve at the cylindrical injection portion, it can be adjusted according the
water flow rate and pressure
The water temperature is between 0-60'C. pH is at 5 - 11. The mixing fluid is resist to flammability. The diameter
of the grain contamination in water can't exceed 4mm. The length of strap contamination can't exceed 25cm.