CE and FDA approved Absorbable&Nonabsorbable sutures by full US and UK material. WEGOSUTURES conformity with the USP and EP standard. WEGOSUTURE is soft and easy for safe knot, absorbed by the tissues with hydrolysis after implant, safe and without histological reactions. Sterile by EO conformity with ISO11137 by a CE marked sterilize center.
WEGO-Polypropylene Features
Structure Monofilament
Chemical composition Polypropylene
Color Blue
Sizes USP 2- USP 10/0 metric 2 - metric 0.1
Knot tensile strength
Retention No loss of tensile strength
Mass absorption Non-absorbable
Indications Vascular and Cardiovascular surgery, Skin Closure, Plastic surgery, Ophthalmology, Neurosurgery
Contraindications Not known.
Sterilization Ethylene oxide