Protein-line suspension and wrinkle removal has little trauma, no bleeding, only local anesthesia.
Furthermore, the operation is simple, safe and effective, with no trace on the surface and no pain in the patient.
The line that is inserted into the skin has no harm to muscle tissue, has no toxic side effect, can also absorb degradation, does not affect the muscle movement.
serviceable range
the thread can be applied to anywhere on the body, such as a flabby face, cheeks, eyebrows, to prevent eye bags, sagging neck skin, fine lines, wrinkles and lifting of breast.

PDO Thread Lift is the latest and revolutionary treatment for skin tightening and lifting as well as V-shaping the face.These threads are made of PDO (polydioxanone) material which is similar to the threads used in surgical stitches.The threads are absorbable and therefore will be reabsorbed in 4-6 months time leaving nothing behind but the skinstructure created which continues to hold for another 15-24 months.Areas that can be treated include lifting of eye brow, cheeks, corner of the mouth, nasolabial folds fold and neck.With correct placement of the threads, you shall notice a more defined jawlines and the face appear more "V" shaped.Since absorbable sutures are used, there will not be any foreign body in the skin after 6 months.After cleansing and sterilization of the face, anesthetic in the form of cream or direct injection can be given to reducediscomfort sensation.The doctor will choose the most appropriate type of threads and place it accordingly at variouspart of your face. The procedure takes about 30 minutes.