Phaco Choppers:
Phaco Chopper14121 Straight,
14122 Angled,
Ambidextrous nucleus chopper14131 Nealiann Nucleus Divider
Nichamin Phaco ChopperAmbidextrous nucleus chopper, tip 1.1 mm long . Rounded and highly polished distal tip
14123 Straight
14124 Curved
Phaco Chopper14125 Right hand
14125L Left hand
Phaco Chopper14126 Right hand
14126L Left hand
14127 Minami M HookGillum Nucleus Splitter (set)14128
Special triple inner blades construction allows chopping in three directionsSpecial formed shaft, special rounded and highly polished distal tip
14130 Claw Phaco Chopper
Phaco ChopperAmbidextrous nucleus chopper, tip 1.8 mm long . Rounded and highly polished distal tip.
14136 Straight
14137 Curved
Phaco ChopperPhaco side cutter chopper, rounded and highly polished distal tip.Tip 1.8 mm long
14138 Right hand
14138L Left hand
Chopper and manipulator in one14139 Haefliger Phaco Cleaver
Phaco Chopper14141 Unique elongated distal segment. Special inner blade is offset 45°, rounded distal tip is highly polished.
Phaco ChopperRounded and highly polished distal tip, tip 1.8mm long
14142 Right hand
14142L Left hand
34094 Lieberman Micro Finger34095 Quick ChopperPaddle manipulator/60°phaco chopper, double-ended14302 Phaco Chopper
Phaco ChopperWith Lieberman Micro finger for nucleus manipulation and phaco chopping. With a defined inferior edge for efficient dividing of soft nucleus. The "Quick chop" has a sharp point to easily penetrate and split a hard nucleus. Double ended for vertical and horizontal phaco chopping
14303 Lieberman Micro Finger & Phaco Chopper
34204 Drysdale Manipulator & Micro Finger, double-ended
31607 Blunt Hook & Sinskey Hook, double-endedRosen Phaco Chopper34022 45º angled, wedge shaped inferior edge, 1.2mm blunt tip
Nagahara Phaco Chopper34025 60º angled, 1.5mm tip
34091 Koch Phaco Chopper
34092 Greens Phaco ChopperPhaco Chopper,34209 Angled, 10mm angled to tip, blunt tip, 60° Cutting edge, 2.0 blade.
Phaco Splitter44005 60° angled wedge shaped inferior edge with blunt tip
Koch Spatula&Nagahara Chopper, double-ended34155 60°cutting edge, tip 1.5mm long, 130mm long
RepositorSynechiae spatula, semi-sharp tip
14114 0.7mm
14115 0.5mm
34112 Tip 0.25 15mm
34113 Tip 0.5 15mm
34109 Tip 0.7 13mm
Castroviejo Cyclodialysis/Synechia Spatula, double-ended34110 Double-ended, 0.25mm wide
34111 Double-ended, 0.5mm wide
Capsule Spatula34195 Angled curved round shaft, blunt tip, Tip 0.3 12mm
Drysdale Nucleus Manipulator14113 Paddle shaped tip
34021 Rosen Nucleus Paddle, 2*1mm bladeClayman Nucleus Rotator34114 0.5mm wide flat spatula with V-notched tip
Koch Nucleus Spatula34089 Gently curved duckbill shaped tip
Koch Nucleus Spatula34090 With notches
Mushroom Nucleus Manipulator34093 Mushroom Nucleus Manipulator
34128 Mushroom Manipulator & Phaco Chopper, double-ended
34129 Mushroom Manipulator & Greens Chopper, double-endedBotton ManipulatorDesigned for iris retraction and capsule polishing
14135 With roughened posterior surface, angled 45°shaft, 10 mm from tip to bend
Intracapsular ManipulatorDesigned for manipulating and sweeping nucleus fragments toward a phaco tip in the central safety zone for safe emulsification, with less stress to the zonules
14120 Designed to safely spin, chop and backcrack a nucleus using less phaco time
Akahoshi Nucleus Stainer/Manipulator14140 Designed to engage the nucleus equator to stabilize it and provide counter pressure while the prechopper forceps is being inserted into the nucleus core
Intracapsular ManipulatorDesigned for manipulating and sweeping nucleus fragments toward a phaco tip in the central safety zone for safe emulsification,,with less stress to the zonules.
14150 Designed to safely spin, chop and backcrack a nucleus using less phaco time. Perfect for dialing intraocular lenses in and out of the bag,,the wand is also used to provide counnter traction in the paracentesis for improved fixation during construction of the phaco incision, capsulorhexis and lens delivery.
Intracapsular ManipulatorPerfect for dialing intraocular lenses in and out of the bag,,the wand is also used to provide counnter traction in the paracentesis for improved fixation during construction of the phaco incision,,capsulorhexis and lens delivery. Designed for manipulating and sweeping nucleus fragments toward a phaco tip in the central safety zone for safe emulsification,,with less stress to the zonules..
14151 Designed to safely spin, chop and backcrack a nucleus using less phaco time.
Intracapsular Manipulator & Sinskey Nucleus Spatula, double-ended34185 Soni Double Ended Nucleus Manipulator
Iris HooksKuglen Iris Hook and Lens Manipulator, clover leaf model
14101 Angled
14102 Straight
Kuglen Iris Hook and Lens Manipulator, push-pull model34125 Kuglen Iris Hook, angled
34126 Kuglen Iris Hook, straight
Jaffe-knolle Iris Hook14108 Angled
14109 Straight
Fukasaku Small Pupil Snapper HookWith sharp inner edge for splitting the nucleus
14143 With a smoothly polished notch superiorly to push back the iris
Fukasaku Snapper Hook34161 Wedge shaped inferior edge for the Snap&Slit phaco technique
Fenzl Lens Manipulating Hook0.15 mm diameter, T-shaped tip
14103 Angled
14104 Straight
Blunt forked tip14105 Jaffe-Bechert Lens Nucleus Rotator, vertical
14105H Jaffe-Bechert Lens Nucleus Rotator, horizontal
IOL manipulator for lens with or without holesSinskey Lens Manipulating Hook14110 0.15 mm diameter, blunt tip, angled to right
34077 Reverse Sinskey Hook
Sinskey Lens Manipulating Hook34019 Sinskey Lens Manipulating Hook, straight
Lewicky Lens Manipulating Hook14111 0.15 mm diameter blunt tip,,angled to right on a curved shaft
Iris/capsule retractor or pusher/manipulator for IOLs, with and without holes14112 Rentsch Lens Manipulator
Maltzman-Fenzl Lens Manipulator0.15 mm diameter, V-shaped tip.
14144 Straight
14145 Angled
Retina Hook14133A Triangular 0.5 mm tip,,angled 130°
Retina Spatula14133B Rounded tip spatula
Retina Spatula14133C Tip angled 110°
14133D Retina Hook14119 Retinal Detachment HookGreen Strabismus Hook34068 Flat 7mm wide hook. 130mm long
Jameson Muscle Hook34069 2.0mm bulbous tips with 6mm flat portion
34070 1.5mm bulbous tips
Stevens Curved Tenotomy Hook34071 6mm curved hook, 120mm
Helveston Muscle HookDelicate muscle hook with blunt spatulated tip
14152 8mm
14153 10mm
14154 12mm
Helveston Finder HookLightly angled cone shaped tip
14155 Small
14156 Large
Helveston Teaser Hook14157 6mm hook
RetractorsHelveston Retractors
14158 7mm
14159 9mm
14160 11mm
14161 Helveston Scleral Marking RulerDesmarres Lid Retractor34016 8mm wide retractor
34032 Size 0, 11mm wide retractor blade
34033 Size 1, 13mm wide retractor blade
34034 Size 2, 15mm wide retractor blade
34035 Size 3, 17mm wide retractor blade
34036 Size 4, 19mm wide retractor blade
Berke-Jaeger Lid Plate34116 Curved over length and width, 20mm and 23mm wide blades, dull finish, 109mm long
Schepens Orbital Retractor34160 14.0mm x 57.0mm blade, smooth with notched end, 4.5mm wide notch, 150mm long
Wells Enucleation Spoon34088 21mm wide, curved spoon with 5mm by 10mm notch, 147mm long
Axenfeld Retractor34044 Four-pronged, blunt
Knapp (Rollet) Lacrimal Sac Retractor, 4-pronged, 135mm34049 sharp
34087 blunt
Retractor34167 Retractor, 16mm
Kansas Lens LoopSerrated, for small incision nucleus fragment removal
14118 3mm wide
Lewis Lens Loop, smooth34053 6mm wide 7mm long loop, smooth, overall length 135mm
Schocket Slecral Depressor, double-endedRounded end designed for depressing sclera and curved marking end for reaching behind the globe
35076 2.5mm teardrop shape
Schepens Scleral Depressor35115S Scleral Depressor
Corneal Markers:Refractive Marker, with a needle point in the center34176 Refractive Marker, 5.0mm
34158 Refractive Marker, 5.5mm
34159 Refractive Marker, 6.0mm
34139 Refractive Marker, 6.5mm
34140 Refractive Marker, 7.0mm
34141 Refractive Marker, 7.5mm
34142 Refractive Marker, 8.0mm
34143 Refractive Marker, 8.5mm
34144 Refractive Marker, 9.0mm
Osher-Neumann 8-line Corneal Marker34164 8-line blade, marks radial lines 4mm long, 4.5mm inner diameter of ring, 110mm long
Osher-Neumann 16-line Corneal Marker34166 16-line blade, marks radial lines 4mm long, 4.5mm inner diameter of ring, 110mm long
LASIK Corneal Marker15023 3 blades
Bores Optic Zone Marker, 3.0mm35085 3.0mm
35086 3.25mm
35087 3.5mm
35088 3.75mm
35089 4.0mm
35090 4.25mm
35091 4.5mm
35092 4.75mm
35093 5.0mm
35094 6.0mm
35095 7.0mm
35096 8.0mm
35097 9.0mm
Suction Ring, with handle34205 Inner diameter 12mm, outer diameter 20mm, with suction hole
Gravity Marker34145 Angled shafs
34145S Straight shafts