Properties:Calciumcarbide is a chemical compound with the chemical formula of CaC2. Its main use industrially is in the production of acetylene and calciumCyanamide.The pure material is colorless, however pieces of technical-grade calciumcarbide are grey or brown and consist of about 80-85% of CaC2 ( the rest is CaO ( calcium oxide) Ca3P2 ( Calcium phosphide ),CaS ( Calcium sulfide) Ca3N2 ( Calcium Nitride), SiC ( silicon carbide) etc. In the presence of trace moisture, the technical-grade calciumcarbide releases an unpleasant smell.

Product Application

1.Integrated Steelmakers: (Low Cost, Powerful Desulfurizing)
2.Electric Steel Making: Increased Efficiency
3.Ductile Iron And Steel Foundries:Direct Desulfurizing
4.Welding& Cutting Industries (Safety,Speed And High Temps)
5.Chemical Industry: The Classic Hydrocarbon Source
6.For Our Environment: Cost Effective Treatment of Effluents
7.Soil Engineering: Applied Chemistry For Mass Benefit
50kg, 100kg, 200kg new steel drums for 22.5MT/FCL
Store in a cool, dry, well - ventilated warehouse. Keep away from fire and heat source. The relative humidity is kept below 75%. The packing must be sealed away from moisture. Should be separated from acids, alcohols, etc., do not mix storage. The storage area shall be equipped with suitable materials to accommodate leaks.