Organoclay Rheological Additive from China organoclay supplier Modified bentonite is a kind of organo clay rheological additive. It is used in systems of non-polar to medium polarity aliphatic and other solvents (ketones, ester, ether esters, alcohols, aromatic).
AdvantagesHigh efficiency
The gel is of light colour and high clarity.
Easy to use, no need to pregel.
Eliminate polar activator
Consistent development of rheology.
Can be used to post correct
ApplicationPaint. | Coatings | Cosmetic | Lubricant Grease | Motar | |
Ink | Sealants and adhesive | Nano-composite | Oil drilling mud | Putty | |

UsingIt can be added directly in powder without polar activator and making pre-gel. But better performance may achieved if polar activator is added and pre-gel procedure is effected.
Every Year,we attend China Coat Show. At our booth,we show the Organoclay.