GH4169 is a precipitation-strengthened nickel-based superalloy. It has good comprehensive properties in the temperature range of -253~650ºC. The yield strength below 650ºC ranks first among deformed superalloys. It also has good fatigue resistance, radiation resistance, and Oxidation, corrosion resistance, and good processing performance, good welding performance. It can manufacture various parts with complex shapes, and has been widely used in the above-mentioned temperature range in aerospace, nuclear energy, petroleum industry and extrusion dies.Similar grades:GH169
Inconel718 (USA)
NC19FeNb (France)Chemical element content (%)
C Cr Ni Co Mo Al Ti Fe
standard ≤0.08 17.0~21.0 50~55.0 ≤1.0 2.80~3.30 0.30~0.70 0.75~1.15 More than
Nb B Mg Mn Si P S Cu Ca
standard 4.75~5.50
≤ 0.006
≤ 0.01
≤ 0.35
≤ 0.35
≤ 0.015
≤ 0.015
≤ 0.30
≤ 0.01
Bi Sn Pb Ag Se Te Tl N O
standard --- --- 0.0005 --- 0.0003 --- --- --- ---
Physical and chemical properties
1. Density 8.24g/cm³:
2. Melting temperature: