China Supply High Quality Pau D′arco Bark Extract Powder, Find details about China Pau D′arco Extract, Pau D′arco Extract Powder from Supply High Quality Pau D′arco Bark Extract Powder
1. Botanical Source: Tabebuia impetiginosa 2. Ratio: 4:1,10:1,20:1 3. Used Part: Flower,Bark 6. Other Name : |
Handroanthus chrysanthus
Tabebuia chrysantha(Jacq. )Nichols
Tabebuia Impetiginosa
Tabebuia is a genus of trees and shrubs. Included in it is Tabebuia Impetiginosa (TI) which
is also known as Pau d'Arco. The main focus of this particular page is TI, rather than the other kinds of Tabebuia.
The bark and wood of the tree are used externally and internally to treat arthritis, pain, inflammation of the prostate
gland, fever, dysentery, boils and ulcers, and various cancers. One of the easiest ways to use pau d'arco is by
consuming a tea made from the inner bark of pau d'arco or applying
Tabebuia Extract Applied in the pharmaceuticals field,Health Food.
1.Pau d'arco is used for cancer