Phellodendron Amurense Bark Extract
Product Name: Phellodendron Amurense Bark Extract
Latin Name: Cortex Phellodendri Chinensis
CAS No.: 164288-52-2
Part Used: Bark
Appearance: Fine light yellow powder
Active Ingredient Markers: 97% Berberine Hydrochloride
It is well known that Amur cork tree, or called phellodendron
amurense in scientific name and Huang Bo in mandarin, is
partly grown for the purpose as timber, which is the preferred
type of wood for building houses and making high-end furniture because it comes with moderate hardness,
graceful wood grain, and strong corrosion-resistance properties. Similarly, this plant, especially its bark, is also an equally remarkable Chinese herb thanks to its
strong anti-inflammatory effect. As a matter of fact, it is a must-have ingredient in all kinds of traditional Chinese medicine
pills. Unfortunately, in recent years the growing role of its
medicinal value results in excessive illegal logging and the
diminishing Amur corktree resources. So, in this case it needs to avoid abusing this herb. And as herbalists, what we can
and should do is to better understand and make better use
this herb medicinally.
What is Amur cork tree?
Medicinally Huang Bo refers to the dried bark of
Phellodendron chinense Schneid. (Chuan Huang Bo) or
Phellodendron amurense Rupr. (Guan Huang Bo), which are plants in the family of Rutaceae. Therefore, this herb is
commonly known as Huang Bai, Amur cork tree bark,
phellodendron amurense bark, phellodendron, cortex
Phellodendri, phellodendron bark, bark of Chinese corktree,
Amur corktree bark, cortex phellodendri Chinensis, Amur cork bark, and so on. The former is mainly produced in Sichuan,
Guizhou, Hubei, Yunnan and other places and the latter is
mainly produced in Liaoning, Jilin, Hebei and other places. It is usually peeled after the Qingming Festival in spring. After
the peeling, remove the tertia, dry in the sun and flatten,
moisturize thoroughly, slice or shred them, and use them raw, processed with salt water, or charred.
Amur cork tree plant is a deciduous tree, 10 to 25 meter.
Outer bark is gray, with thick cork layer and longitudinal-fissure surface, and under bark is bright yellow. Branchlets
are usually brown or light brown, but red-orange rarely. Odd pinnately compound leaf is opposite, with 5 to 13 leaflets, and a small short petiole. Inflorescence is
paniculate. Rachis and flowers are pubescent when young.
Flowers are unisexual, dioecious, and small. Berry-like drupe is spherical, about 8 to 10mm in diameter, dark
purple when mature, and with five seeds inside. Its flowering period is from May to June and the fruiting period is from
September to October.
It contains a variety of alkaloids, limonin (obaculactone),
obacunone, obacunonic acid, 7-dehydrostigmasterol, sitosterol, campesterol, and so on. And alkaloids mainly include berberine, phellodendrine, magnoflorine, jatrorrhizine, palmatine, and more.
Chinese Amur cork tree bark benefits
This herb was first found in "Shen Nong's Herbal Classic", in which it was listed as the highest grade and classified into
the group of heat-clearing and damp-drying drug. The best medicinal quality usually comes from
those phellodendron that is about 10 year old. Unfortunately
the tree will die soon after it is peeled. As a result, it is also
one of rare and valuable Chinese herbs. Clinically it is usually used for the treatment of cerebrospinal meningitis, bacillary
dysentery, pneumonia, tuberculosis, liver cirrhosis, chronic
hepatitis, trichomoniasis vaginitis, acute conjunctivitis,
chronic suppurative otitis media, cervical spondylosis, ear
eczema, and more. And its pharmacology seems have more
related information and evidence.
Amur corktree bark side effects and contraindications
The safety of Amur corktree bark is also a major concern. And it was rated with a class 2B by the AHPA. That's to say, it
should be avoided in pregnant women. And it is reported that overdose of this herb may lead to vomiting and nausea.
According to Ben Cao Jing Ji Zhu (Explanation of Canon of
Materia Medica), it contradicts Gan Qi (Resina Toxicodendri). Besides, it shouldn't be used in the cases of diarrhea caused by spleen deficiency and deficiency-cold in spleen and stomach.
1.Being as diuretic and cooling herb that stimulates the liver
and gall bladder. It has been used traditionally to lower fever
and to reduce blood pressure and blood sugar levels;
2.Having a strong antibacterial effect and being used internally to treat diarrhea, dysentery, enteritis, vaginal infections,
acute urinary tract infections, abscesses, tumors, jaundice,
night sweats and skin diseases;
3.Phellodendron bark is bitter in taste and cold in action. Reducing inflammation and dampness, 4.Anti-bacterial and
anti-viral activity;
5 To eliminate any disease characterized by hectic fever.