Kiwi Extract
Product Name: Kiwi Extract
Botanical Source: Actinidia chinensis PI-anch.
Part Used: Fruit

The kiwi fruit is native to China and Taiwan, but today, cultivation is widespread throughout the world. Major producers of kiwi fruit include New Zealand, California, and Italy, but a significant harvest is obtained from several other countries including France, Israel, and Spain. The Hayward variety is the most commonly grown commercial cultivar because of its superior hardiness and long shelf life, but several other varieties, including one bearing a yellow-fleshed fruit, are now in production. The plant is a vigorous, deciduous climber that grows to about 9 meters in height, tolerating full sun or semi-shade. The scented flowers are insect pollinated and appear in summer. Individual flowers are dioecious (either male or female, but only one sex is found on any one plant, so both male and female plants are required for fruit production). The egg-shaped fruit has a furry, brown skin and firm, translucent, emerald green flesh with numerous small, edible, black seeds at the center. When ripe, it is very juicy with a refreshing acid flavor, often described as a mixture of strawberry and pineapple.
Health benefits of kiwi include improved digestive and cardiovascular health. The affluence of antioxidants in the kiwifruit proves valuable in various medical conditions such as cancer, insomnia, macular degeneration and diabetes. Flavonoids-rich kiwi is beneficial during pregnancy, contributes in keeping the skin healthy and promotes the absorption of iron in the body. Anti-microbial properties of kiwi guards against a range of pathogens and strengthens the immune defense of the body.
Kiwi fruit is a delicious berry of a woody, twining vine and is popularly known with its shortened version as 'kiwi'. Kiwi is native to China and is revered as the country's national fruit. Originally known as 'Yang Tao', kiwi is an oval-shaped, dull brown colored fruit with a fuzzy texture. The inside pulp is a vivid, semi-translucent, bright green flesh with a radiant pattern of lighter-colored spikes, freckled with a few tiny, edible black seeds. Kiwi fruit has a unique and invigorating flavor with a soft and just about creamy texture. The Actinidia genus which includes kiwi comprises of about 60 species. Globally, the most commonly consumed kiwifruits are the 'fuzzy kiwi' and 'golden kiwi'.
Kiwi was brought from China to New Zealand during the early 20th century by the missionaries. With the growing appreciation of this exotic fruit, people of New Zealand renamed it as Chinese Gooseberries. Later, it was imported to United States where it proved quite popular. After multiple rechristening, the fruit was finally named as 'kiwi' in the honor of the national bird of New Zealand for its small, fuzzy, brown appearance resembles the fur coat of the flightless brown kiwi bird. Presently, Italy, New Zealand, France, Japan, Chile and the United States are the major contributors in the commercial production of the kiwifruit.

Antioxidant properties
Cardiovascular health
Promoting Better sleep
Improving iron absorption
Macular degeneration
Maintaining Digestive health
Being benefit to pregnancy
Skin caring
Preventing Cancer
Strong immune defensing
Preventing Diabetes