China Railways Shipping Services From Zhengzhou to Duchanbe Tajikistan Train Transport Services, Find details about China Air Freight, Logistics Services From China from Railways Shipping Services From Zhengzhou to Duchanbe Tajikistan Train Transport Services
Sparkle international cargo agent co.,ltd | |||
Area | Time | Mode of transport | MOQ |
Asia | 2-3 days | Express delivery | 0.5kg |
3-5 days | Air transport | 45kg | |
15 days | Sea | 1CBM | |
Europe | 4-5 days | Express delivery | 0.5kg |
3-5days | Air transport | 45kg | |
25 days | Sea | 1CBM | |
North America | 4-5 days | Express delivery | 0.5kg |
3-5 days | Air transport | 45kg | |
25 days | Sea | 1CBM | |
South America | 5-7 days | Express delivery | 0.5kg |
3-5 days | Air transport | 45kg | |
35 days | Sea | 1CBM |