Product Descriptoin For Macropored Microc-sphere Silica GelUsage:Used as catalyst or catalyst carrier in the manufacturing of the important industial products,
such as cyanuramide, benzene anhydride, maleic acid anhydride, butadiene rubber, acrylic nitrite etc.
It is also widely used for highly refining petrochemical products by adsorbing aromatic hydrocarbon.
It may also be used for the selectively adsorptive separation of organic gases and liquids, as well as
for eliminating multivalent poisonous elements in water through ion exchanging process.
Shpae: Pellets
Average pore diameter: 8.0-12.0 nm
Pore volume: 0.8-1.3 ml/g
Thermal conductivity: 0.167KJ/
Internally well-distributed micro-pored structure
Physical and chemically stable
Good thermal stability, High mechanical strength
Colour: White, transparent or tranlucent
Specific surface area: 300-600 m2/g
Specific heat: 0.92KJ/kg C

Package: 20kg per compound bag 500kg - 800 kg bulk bag