Klarity offers U-Frame Masks in Klarity White and Klarity Green™ thermoplastic. Klarity ContourFrame™ and EzeFrame™ are Klarity's most popular U-Frame masks. Both feature molded thermoplastic with smooth surfaces and an exclusive round-edge neckline. ContourFrames also have a reinforced nose area for extra support and a perforation pattern for easy breathing. Klarity ProfileFrame™ masks have a strong and narrow frame with a wider facial area. The reinforced frame will not wiggle or warp, and the non-stick Klarity Green™ thermoplastic offers ultra strong support with minimal shrinkage. Klarity U-Frame masks are available in the following sizes and perforation patterns, including IMRT AccuPerf™ for higher fixation strength, minimal bolus effect, and better patient comfort.
EzeFrameTM R430UC is one of Klarity's most popular U-Frame masks with features below:
· Extremely strong and comfortable
· Smooth molded surface
· Rounded comfort neckline