The axial flow turbine is an inward flow reaction turbine, which means that the working fluid changes pressure as it moves through the turbine and gives up its energy. The design combines radial and axial features. The inlet is a scroll shaped tube that wraps around the turbine''s wicket gate. Water is directed tangentially through the wicket gate and spirals on to a propeller shaped runner, causing it to spin.
The axial flow type turbines are available for hydraulic power resources of medium and low heads. Fuchun manufactures both the Propeller type(fixed blade type)and the Kaplan type (adjustable blade type)turbines. The Propeller type turbines are suitable for hydro power stations with small or medium capacities and heads and relatively
Stable loads. The Kaplan turbines are suitable for hydro power stations with medium or large capacities and heads, and relatively unstable loads.
The axial flow type turbines manufactured by the Fuchun, are ranging from 3to 45m in water head, 100kW to 30MW in capacity and 0.8 to 6m in runner diameter.
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