Xylazine is an alpha-2 agonist with sedative, analgesic, and muscle relaxant properties. It is approved for use in dogs,cats,horses,deer,and elk. This agent causes vomiting in a large percentage of cats and in some dogs. Xylazine is antagonized by yohimbine. It produces effective analgesia in horses and is often used for treating the pain associated with colic and for sedation for minor procedures.It is also used in combination with ketamine for short-term feld procedures in horses,such as castration and suturing of extensive wounds,because this combination usually produces 15 to 20 minutes of recumbency. Extralabel use of xylazine for cesarean sections in cattle and other surgical procedures is common. Xylazine is used in cats and dogs as a tranquilizer and in combination with other injectable agents for surgical procedures.

XYLAZINE HYDROCHLORIDE is α2 class of adrenergic receptor agonist. As with other α2 agonists, adverse effects include bradycardia, conduction disturbances, and myocardial depression. It is a clonidine analoque. It acts on presynaptic and postsynaptic receptors of t