Truck Transportation Service, Road Freight Trucking Logistics Agent From China to Hungary, Find details about China Truck, Trucking from Truck Transportation Service, Road Freight Trucking Logistics Agent From China to Hungary
Main Services of Company: |
Air Feright: QF, BR, CZ, CI, EK, AA, SQ, etc. Acting for Shenzhen/ Guangzhou / Hong Kong air services to all around the world |
Cooperate with FedEx, UPS, EMS, DHL, TNT and other international famous express companies |
The service network can transport goods to various ports in the world, and the LCL can reach more than 600 ports and inland points in the world |
The professional agent for Shenzhen -Hong Kong land transportation, China and Hong Kong import and export freight |
Agent for customs declaration, trailer, fumigation, export certificate of origin (CO/form a, etc.) and countersign, etc |
Also cooperating with Top 10 Shipping Company, such as MSK,CSCL, COSCO and so on. |
Headoffice in Shenzhen and we can handle shipments from all main ports or cities in China |
Having partner offices in more than 80 countries and cooperational agent from all over the world |