WALTER-FSV Company produce JIS Smolensky check valve, Butterfly Check Valve, Tilting Disc Check Valve, Cast Iron Butterfly Wafer Check Valve is a good choice in consider of economic condition.
Design Standard: JIS B2074 B2084
Face to Face: JIS B2002
Flanges to: JIS B2212 B2214
Testing: JIS B2003
1- Body: WCB, SCS13, SCS14
2- Seat: PTFE
3- Stem: WCB
5- Spring: SS304
6- Work pressure: 10K/20K
7. Size: DN40 - 300
WALTER-FSV Company produce Butterfly Type Check Valve, Tilting Disc Check Valve, Wafer Check Valve. Swing Check Valve etc...
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