Specification : 97%TC, 70%WP, 70%WDG, 480SC
Chemical Name: 4-amino-6-tert-butyl-4,5-dihydro-3-methylthio-1,2,4-triazin-5-one.
Formula: C8H14N4OS.
Molecular weight: 214.29.
CAS No. : 21087-64-9
Appearance : white powder with a slightly sharp, sulfurous odor.
Melting Point: 125-126.5°C.
Vapour Pressure: 0.058m Pa at 20°C.
Stability : Solubility in water 1050mg/L, Soluble in methanol, ethanol and glycol ether acetate.
Toxicity: Oral LD50 1090-2300mg/kg(rat), dermal LD50 ( rabbits) is 2000 mg/kg.
Uses: It is a selective triazine herbicide which inhibits photosynthesis of susceptible plant species. It is used for control of annual grasses and numerous broadleaf weeds in field and vegetable crops, in turfgrass, and on fallow lands.