Application Field:
The main ingredients of Deodorization Finishing Agent EMP ZOT-90 are mineral silicate having outstanding deodorizing effect.
Combination of physical adsorption caused by multiporous substance and chemical adsorption caused by acid and salt substance give outstanding deodorizing property.
The product is aqueous dispersion, easy to used; Having excellent deodorizing effect for odor such as acetic acid, delphinic acid, ammonia; Durable deodorizing effect can be obtained by using suitable binder.
Appearance: White dispersion;
Ingredient: silicate;
Content: 20±1%;
pH: 7±1;
Viscosity: 1000±500mPa.S;
Ionicity: anionic;
Application amount: EMP ZOT-92:6% ~8%;
(EMP FIX-ET: 3~4%)
The product is used with padding process:
Example: Polyester fabric
Padding (uptake:80%) ~dry (100ºC×3min)~Heatset(180ºC×1min)