Properties of tea tree oil (8024-02-0):
Colorless to light yellow-green essential oil, with warm spicy aroma, aromatic terpenoid aroma, near nutmeg, cardamom and sweet oregano aromas, terpenes and terpineol aromas are particularly prominent, with freshness and lightness Camphor flavor, slightly bitter.
Insoluble in water, soluble in ethanol, slightly soluble in propylene glycol.
GB 2760-2007; Spices for food crystals. Preservative, containing para-en-4-ol has a strong sterilizing effect on bacteria, molds and yeasts.
Products that have been used and have potential use value include: agricultural fungicides, sanitary disinfectants, preservatives, air fresheners, air-conditioning disinfectants, anti-acne (acne) cleaning creams, creams, water, bath cleaners, tableware cleaners , Cleanser for face, body, foot, moisturize

r, deodorant, shampoo, pet hygiene products, etc.