General Information of Steel cold rolling mill 1. Brief introduciton of steel cold rolling mill In order to fulfill the high surface quality and capacity requirement from customer internationally, Moran continues improve its technology in speed-tension control, thickness control, flatness control, and AC Drive system in terms of level 1.Moran has successfully supplied cold reversing mill with production management,historical archive by level 2 system and AFC system with shape meter internationally which has satisfied our customer about surface tolerances, quality, automation and production capacity. 2. Technical parameter:--Input Material: Picked Hot Roll Coil --Input Coil Thickness Range: 1.5-6.0mm--Finial Thickness Range: 0.18-2.0mm --Coil Width Range: 1100--1550 mm--Max. Processing Speed: 1200 m/min --Anneal Capacity Range: 200,000 --- 350,000T/Y--Auto Loading and Unloading--AFC Flatness Control system with shape meter and moti-zone Cooling--DC or AC Drive system--Rolling Schedule and Level 2 system3. For more information , please feel free to contact with me.if it cannot satisify you, please fill in the design form below, we can manufacture as you required.
Our advantage:1) Customized Production 2) High cost-effective product3). All-around pre-sales & after-sales services
4) Independent intellectual property rights
5) good at establishing cold rolling mill plant.
For More information of this steel cold rolling mill , Please feel free to contact us, we can also offer after sale service from disassemble to commissioning.