Vehicle Remote Controlled Improvised Explosive Device Jamming System

China Vehicle Remote Controlled Improvised Explosive Device Jamming System, Find details about China Rcied Jammer, Dds Jammer from Vehicle Remote Controlled Improvised Explosive Device Jamming System

Model NO.
HS Code
Model NO.
HS Code
Vehicle Remote Controlled Improvised Explosive Device Jamming System

Product Technique characteristics


  • Taking use of super-high frequency with high effective power.
  • Effective hig output power (channel power) and longer interfere radius.
  • Only interfere downlink frequency of mobile system,without disturb normally working of Base Stations.
  • Imported elements: Slow start up design of circuit. These elements can maintain the stable operation condition with high integration. A combination of the Israeli and United states of American Technology. Most sensitive Components imported from Germany, Hungary and Japan.
  • Easy Installation
Product Parameter specifications

Vehicle Remote Controlled Improvised Explosive Device Jamming System

Production functional panels:

Front Panel: 

Vehicle Remote Controlled Improvised Explosive Device Jamming System
Back Panel: 
Vehicle Remote Controlled Improvised Explosive Device Jamming System