Product Introduction
This product LB liquid medium (sterile) is a ready-to-use liquid medium that has been autoclaved. Each 100 mL contains 1.0 g peptone, 0.5 g yeast powder and 1.0 g sodium chloride, without agar powder and without antibiotics. LB medium is a commonly used medium in microbiology experiments and is often used to cultivate genetic engineering recipient bacteria (such as Escherichia coli).
The company also provides LB liquid medium (dry powder) (G3102) without agar powder, and LB solid medium (dry powder) (G3101) with agar powder to meet the needs of different scenarios.

Storage and transportation
Storage and transportation at room temperature; valid for 24 months.
Instructions for use
It can be directly used for bacterial culture, and antibiotics can be added according to the needs of the experiment.
1. This product is rich in nutrients. Pay attention to aseptic operation when using it to avoid bacterial contamination.
2. For your safety and health, please wear lab coats and disposable gloves for operation;