Cylinder block, cylinder head ,main bearing , crankshaft, piston,liner, camshaft, Rod, oil cooler, water radiator, oil pan, oil pump, fuel pump, water pump, turbocharger, fan ,belt, injector, alternator, flywheel, starting motor
FIT ENGINE: CUM MINS: NT855-C280, NT855-C360, NT855-C400, KTA19, QSK19, 6BT5.9, 6CT
WEICHAI: WD615 WD10 WD12 WP6 WP7 WP10, TD226B
SHANGCHAI: D6114, C6121, SC8D143G2B1 SC11CB184G2B1
KO MATSU: 4D95 6D102 6D107 6D108 6D114 6D125 6D140 6D155 6D170
CAT: 3304 3306 C9
YUCHAI ISUZU XICHAI YAMMAR engine :6742-21-1121,6742-21-1122,6742-21-1125 :6743-31-2110 :6742-01-2790 :6742-01-2800 :6742-01-5309 :6742-01-5159 :6742-01-1520 :6742-01-2700 :6742-01-5199 :6742-01-2750 :6742-01-2870 :6742-01-2112 :6742-01-1220 :6742-01-1260 :6742-01-1280 O:6742-01-4080 8N1187 8N6796 7C3906 1N4304 8N1188 24543243306DI(8N6796)7C3906 3306PC(8N1187)2W0656 3304PC(8N1188)2W0654 3306(1N3576)4P623 3066(S6K)2128566/1838230 E200/320/320B/320C Caterpillar:3304/3306 Chamber 8S3970 Caterpillar:3406/3408/3412 Chamber 4N3714 Caterpillar:3304PC Cylinder Head 8N1188 Loaded 7N8574 2W0654Caterpillar:3304DI Cylinder Head 1N4304 Loaded 7N8874 Caterpillar:3306PC Cylinder Head 8N1187 8N1188 Loaded 6N8103 2W0656Caterpillar:3306DI Cylinder Head 8N6796 Loaded 7N8876 7C3906Caterpillar:3406DI Cylinder Head 110-5096 Caterpillar:3406PC Cylinder Head 110-5097 Caterpillar:3204/3208 Cylinder Head 6I2378Caterpillar: 3116 Cylinder Block 149-5401Caterpillar: 3126 Cylinder Block 126-5923Caterpillar: 3304 Cylinder Block 1N3574 Casting no 7N5454Caterpillar:3306 Cylinder Block 1N3576 7N5456 7N6550 Casting no 4P0623 Caterpillar:3066/S6K/320 Cylinder Block 5I7776 2128566/1838230 E200/320/320B/320C Caterpillar:3304 Crankshaft 4N7692 with gear 4N7699 Caterpillar:3306 Crankshaft 4N7693 with gear 2W7458 Cum :Cylinder Head 4BT3920005,6BT3967459,6CT3973493,ISBE 24Valve,ISL24 Valve Cum :Cylinder Block 4BT3903920,6BT3903797,6CT3939313, ISBE
Cum : Crankshaft 4BT3908031, 6BT3908032, 6CT3917320, NT8553418949, M113073707711734370 PINS
11027088 PINS
11027070 PINS
11108622 PINS
11059701 PINS
084-51000010 Track Shoe Assy
084-50201000 Sprocket
084-50400000 Front Idler Assy
044-50800020 Track Roller Assy
309-16500002 Cylinder Adjust Assy
034-85002000 Tooth
309-10800011 Cylinder Boom Assy
309-11500011 Cylinder Arm Assy
034-10405010 Oil Cooler
ME 022330 Starter Assy (24V-4.5 KW)
ME 023620 Generator Assy (24V-15A)
034-10410030 Muffler
034-10404020 Radiator
11381440 Electronic Unit
11381430 Electronic Unit
17214449 Cable Harness
15193441 Cable Harness
15194046 Cable Harness
17227768 Climate Unit
11443400 Electronic Unit (EEC)
11192582 Swith
15116457 Cable Harness
15158608 Circuit Board
17202941 Instrument Cluster
16224160 Control Panel
15137805 Panel (left)
17401292 Seat
15152056 Panel (Right)
14644822 Strip
15198167 Dash Board
15148166 Instrument Panel
15138671 Panel
11104645 Support
13947760 Screw
948645 Flange Lock Nut
969587 Six Point Socket Screw
960139 Plain Washer
981635 Six Point Socket Screw
977984 Spring Nut
11119651 Screw
930760 Expanding Nut
11059557 Steering Wheel
11114402 Cover
15162916 Sensor
16808762 Cover
15147609 Cover
15067100 Charge Air Cooler
15163518 Fan Shroud
15193009 Cabel Harness
17231395 Cabel Harness
15192883 Cabel Harness
15165616 Cabel Harness
15193197 Cabel Harness
17200062 Cabel Harness
21255974 Relay
20374662 Relay
15144740 Starter Switch
11110531 Air Cleaner
15135895 Ventilation Hose
16831790 Inlet Hose
11113630 Clamp
15138238 Gear Shift Lever
15172129 Control Lever
31Y1-33160 Трубка ГЦ поворота рукояти
11Q6-90540 Радиатор отопителя
31Y1-33571 Рем комплект ГЦ поворота ковша
xjbn-01196 """Пилотный"" шестеренчатый гидронасос"
21Q9-32180 MCU контроллер
21E5-0003 Реле АКБ
21EM-10110 Кабель (реле-старт)
24L3-01120 Кабель (заземление)
21Q9-17102 Жгут (основная коса)
E125-1501 "АКБ (обслуж.,прямая полярность, 190 Aч, Тип клемм-европ.стандарт конус)"
21M9-01171 "Автоматический выключатель, 60A"
21Q4-01161 "Автоматический выключатель, 30A"
21QB-60700 Фонарь рабочего освещения
21Q8-11160 Кабель защиты от перегрузки
21Q6-12400 Кабель (аккум-+-реле)
31L7-10200 Хомут зажим
31L7-10190 Хомут зажим
31L7-10230 Хомут зажим
31L7-10210 Хомут зажим
21Q8-16601 Кабель ДВС
21Q7-10910 Блок предохранителей
21N8-42041 Защита АКБ
Gasket 6150-21-4741 4 ea
-Bushing 6150-81-5110 4 ea
-Lip Seal 6151-71-3450 6 ea