Nihon Kohden MEK hematology analyzers reagent bottles volume: 500ml cleaner reagent bottles,
Nihon Kohden: MEK8222, MEK7222, MEK6318;
Related biochemistry reagent bottles and hematology reagent bottles as follows:
Hematology reagent bottles for ABX,Nihon Koden,Abbott Celldyn,Sysmex,Mindray,Coulter etc.
Biochemistry reagent bottles for Hitachi,Olympus,Toshiba,Mindray,Neusoft,Tokyo,Konelab,Abbott,Beckman,Roche,Urit,Sinnowa and others.
Reagent bottles for other laboratory analyzers and laboratory suppliers.
Reagents bottles and Consumables,sysmex reagent bottles,disposable reagent bottles
HDPE reagent bottles provide secure storage and transport of liquids and powders.
we supply various reagent bottles which could suit for various heamtology anlayzer:
like Nihon Kohden,Sysmex,Coulter,Abbott,Mindray,ABX etc.
All bottles are supplied with a polypropylene,tamper-evident, screw cap,but other closure styles are also available.
Narrow and wide-neck bottles are offered in natural,for easy visualization of contents,or opaque white,for light sensitive materials.