1. Property:
Increase the permeability of cell membranes, and this increases the effectiveness and uptake of nutrients into the roots;
Encourage the growth and development of crops due to an increased extraction of macro and micronutrients;
Increase crop yields, retains moisture, and makes plants stronger and pest resistant;
Increase percentage of Minerals and Nutrients in soils;
Accelerate plant cell division and promotes growth;
Aid in photosynthesis;
2. Contents:
Total Organic Matter (w/v): 30% min
Total fulvic acid (w/v): 12% min
Amino acid (w/v): 3% min
Alginic acid (w/v): 0.6% min
Mannitol (w/v): 0.3% min
Cytokinin +Gebberellin: 15ppm min
Total nitrogen (N): 5.5% min
Phosphorus (P2O5): 0.15% min
Potassium (K2O): 6.2% min
Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Zn B, etc.
3. Application:
Open field
Drip Irrigation
Green Houses
Foliar and nursery plants