1, molecular formula: Ca3 (C6H5O7) 2, 4H2O
2, molecular weight: 570.50
3, Specificity: white powder, odorless, slightly hygroscopic, very difficult to dissolve in water, (0.095g / 100mL, 25 degrees C). Almost insoluble in ethanol (0.0089g/100ml, 25 degrees C), It will gradully lose water when the crystal water heated to 100 degrees c and completely lose when heated to 120 degrees c.
4, use: chelating agent; buffer; tissue coagulator; calcium fortifier, emulsifying salt. According to GBl980 - 94-8-16g/kg for beans and its derived products,beverages. According to FAO / WHO (1984) stipulates the usage and limit as below: evaporated milk, sweetened condensed milk, dilute cream with 2G / kg, share amount 3G / kg (anhydrous) with other stabilizers, milk powder, cream powder 5g / kg; melted cheese manufacturing 40g/ kg; jam and jelly; canned tomatoes, cold drinks, caseinate, When used as a supplement according to GMP, the theoretical calcium level is 21.07%., used for flour, pastries, Japanese fermented bean paste, Japanese regulations limit is 1%.
5, Packing: Packed with polyethylene plastic bag as liner, and woven bag as the outer layer. The net weight of each bag is 25kg.