We Are Talking About the Polyacrylamide in Soil Stabilization!
Polyacrylamides (PAMs), are polymer-based materials used to facilitate erosion control and decrease soil sealing by binding soil particles, especially clays, to hold them on site. In addition, these types of materials may also be used as a water treatment additive to remove suspended particles from runoff.
Anionic Polyacrylamide: Environmentally friendly; non-toxic to plants&animals; non-crorrosive - will not change PH of soil or water.
What is the Functional Principle of Polyacrylamide?
- Flocculation Mechanism: Adsorbing suspension particles, polymer chains entangle and cross-link each other to form bridging, and make flocculation structure enlarge and thicken, and has the functions of surface adsorption and electric neutralization.
- Reinforcing Mechanism: PAM molecule chain and dispersed phase form bridging bond, ion bond and covalent bond to increase combination strength.
Advantages for Anionic Polyacrylamide in Soild Stabilization:
- Improves stability of problem soils to prevent soil detachment (i.e. prevents erosion) in the first place
- Provides quick stabilization where vegetation has yet to be established
- Promotes flocculation (reduces settling time) of smallest particles
- Increases soil pore volume and permeability, thus decreasing imperious cover
- Less obtrusive than some conventional measures - doesn't interfere with construction machinery/activity
- Convenient and easy to apply and store along with other soil amendments (fertilizer, mulch, etc.) with conventional seeding, mulching, or irrigation equipment
- Material is specifically designed for the soil, waters, and other on site characteristics
- May prevent costly repair and reshaping of rilling or failing slopes
Re-application may not be necessary for several months if treated areas are mulched
Reduces seed, pesticide, and fertilizer (phosphorus and nitrogen) losses that hinder vegetation establishment on site, increase costs, and promote nutrient and chemical loading offsite
Reduces windborne dust conditions
Anionic Polyacrylamide Can be Applied to the Following Areas:
- Rough graded soils that will be inactive for a period of time.
- Final graded soils before application of final stabilization (e.g., paving, planting, mulching).
- Temporary haul roads prior to placement of crushed rock surfacing.
- Compacted soil road base.
- Construction staging, materials storage, and layout areas.
- Soil stockpiles.
- Areas that will be mulched.