On any given day, approximately one in four women will be suffering from some kind of vaginal problem. Yeast infections, staph infections and human papillomavirus (HPV) can cause problems that range from irritation to life threatening concerns.
The Need for making The vaginal cavity healthy is a warm, moist cavity, making it the ideal place for the growth of bacteria, yeast and viruses. Problems can result from poor hygiene, contamination, hormonal issues or genetics. The most common vaginal problems are bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections.
Disorders of the vaginal cavity are difficult to identify because the problems are not visible and the woman doesn't know of the existence of the problem until symptoms manifest themselves. Pain, itchiness, foul odor, redness, swelling, cramps or abnormal bleeding are often the first signs of a problem. All of these situations respond to vaginal cleansing, both as a preventive measure and as a treatment.
There is a remarkable new gel that utilizes new forms of Structured Silver. This gel addresses the cause of vaginal diseases. As such, many female health issues can be positively affected. Every woman could benefit from a silver vaginal gel at some point in her adult life. The reason silver is so effective is that it has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal qualities. Is it very difficult to identify the source of a vaginal problem because it could be bacterial, viral or fungal. Silver vaginal gel destroys all three of these sources of vaginal disease. It is the perfect vaginal gel.
Silver can eliminate multiple sources of vaginal disease including antibioticresistant bacteria, STDs and yeast. And, most importantly, it can do so safely. The need for improved vaginal hygiene is evident when you research the sexually transmitted diseases, yeast infections and occurrence of viral infections that cause cancer of the uterus and cervix. Silver destroys the cause of numerous vaginal diseases and has already become a woman's best friend when it comes to itching, odor, cramping and yeast infections.