China Hongdefa Machinery supply Turnkey Flour Milling line with Newest technology for each part,Pre-clean-Cleaning section-Sifter,Milling section-Packing section.The popular capacity is 82t/24h flour mill machine, 100t/24h flour mill machine,120t/24h flour mill machine,300t/24h flour mill machine,500t/24h flour mill machine
Food processing can never be out of business. And one of the ways you could enter in that never-ending cycle is by supplying flour for making bread, biscuits and pasta.
But if you intend to supply graded flour, you would have to take care of wheat cleaning and wheat conditioning prior to milling. Wheat cleaning involves grading of the wheat according to certain characteristics and blending some grades to obtain the desired flour. Wheat, depending on their protein content, is classified as soft wheat, medium hard wheat and hard wheat.
The type of wheat will determine whether it would be ultimately used for bread, biscuits, or pasta, or something else. Wheat conditioning involves adding a certain quantity of water, and allowing the prepared wheat to stand for several hours. Then the actual milling process begins to produce flour, wheat germ and bran.
The flour is then bagged and usually stored for several days to age prior to delivery to makers of biscuits, pasta, crackers, and other baked goods. You can also sell the bran and wheat germ to makers of breakfast cereals or animal feeds.