China Rebar Mill Rolling Mill Bearing FC3046156 Instead of Type 313891, Find details about China Four Row Cylindrical Roller Bearing, Rolling Mill Bearing from Rebar Mill Rolling Mill Bearing FC3046156 Instead of Type 313891
Four-row cylindrical bearings are almost exclusive to metals industry and carry heavy radial loads in steel, aluminum and other metal rolling mills.
Design Attributes
Design offers very high radial load capacity. No thrust capacity.
Straight and tapered bores available.
Inner races are interchangeable with outer assemblies.
Cylindrical roller bearings are available in a wide range of designs, series, variants and sizes. The main design differences are the number of roller rows and the inner/outer ring flanges as well as cage designs and materials.
The bearings can meet the challenges of applications faced with heavy radial loads and high speeds. Accommodating axial displacement (except for bearings with flanges on both the inner and outer rings), they offer high stiffness, low friction and long service life.
Cylindrical roller bearings are also available in sealed or split designs. In sealed bearings, the rollers are protected from contaminants, water and dust, while providing lubricant retention and contaminant exclusion. This provides lower friction and longer service life. Split bearings are intended primarily for bearing arrangements which are difficult to access, such as crank shafts, where they simplify maintenance and replacements.
Special variants
In addition to the bearings presented in this section, FV supplies cylindrical roller bearings for special application requirements. This assortment includes:
Bearings with Solid Oil
INSOCOAT bearings
Hybrid bearings
NoWear coated bearings
Super-precision bearings
Backing bearings
Indexing roller units
Cylindrical roller bearings and bearing units for railway applications ( contact FV )
Features and benefits:
High load carrying capacity
High stiffness
Accommodate axial displacement
Low friction
Long service life
Enhanced operational reliability
Separable and interchangeable