Static air mattress anti-bedsore Medical mattress
Multi-functions :
Positioning :
Safe and easy patient repositioning with single care provier
Transfering :
Handwells decrease caregiver strain and potient transfers repositioning with single care provider
Mobilizing :
Through handle of mattress , bring patients have on- going pressure protection while awaiting tests , ets

Protocols for Pressure wound care
Support Surface have below points :
Redistribute weight in a 3- dimensional manner
Minimize pressure , shear and friction injury
Assist in moisture and temperature control
Be easy to clean
Aid in patient transferring and mobilization
Be cost effective
Size : 191*76*8cm
Fire retard : CA 129
CPR quick release for emergency
Support weight : 600 Pound

Static air mattress provides more complete support for you
Static air fluid flotation :
Volumetric support