Acid Red 362 Acid Red MD-Br For leather ,wood,wood dye
Product Name: Acid Red 362
C.I. No.:Acid Red 362
CAS No.:61814-58-2
Molecular Formula:C16H12ClN4NaO5S
Molecular Weight:430.80
Shade:Brilliant red
Relative name: Acid Red MD-BR;Acid Red M-BR;Acid Red M-R;Neutral red M-BR;Neutral red Complex SBR;Neutral Brilliant red S-BR;Neutral Brilliant red S-BRL;
Acid Red 362 |
Standard | Fiber | Soaping | Persperation Fastness | Oxygen bleaching | Light Fastness |
Fading | Stain |
ISO | Wool | 5 | 5 | 4-5 | | 5 |
Red powder, soluble in water, ethanol, xylene, DMF organic solvents.
Used for wool, silk, PVA and their blended fabric dyeing and printing.
Note: The data contained here are based on our current knowledge and experience. It is the responsibility of user to test our products before the final application.