A Frame Layer Cage SystemIt is designed both open and close house all over the world,especially for open house in big farm who has enough land,it is more suitable to be used in tropical zone such as Africa,South East Asia and South Asia Countries.it is hot galvanized cages.
Advantages:Greater number of birds is reared per unit of area and it helps in identifying poor producers and prompt culling,so it saves more cost for Farmers because its much lower investment as H Frame Cage System;
More Suitable to use in rain-less district,durable and solid structure for long lifetime;
Easily to deliver and installation in clients farm and make maintenance;
Prompt steps to control feed wastage because of the longer design feed trough edge;
The cage method of housing is ideal for the area of moderated climate conditions where the day temperature in summer is not high or fall too low;
The overlap parts is smaller so the chicken house can get much better ventilation,it can be used both in open or close house according clients' needs.
The Manure Collection can be scraper type or manure belts conveyor type.
Automatic Feeding System:The chicken feed stored in the silo nearby and sent by transverse feed auger with motor automatic.the feeding machines can be feeding trolley type or chain feeding system.
Automatic Drinking System:Square or Round pipes(thickness 2.5mm) with stainless steel nipple drinkers,and constituted by Water Pressure Regulators,filters and dosers from DOSATRON.
Egg-collection System: Egg production much than floor raising and all egg can be equipped with vertical automatic egg collection system and egg conveyor available to the egg store room;