Chinese Factory Offset Printing Aluminum Conventional PS PlateTo get best plate effect, please note the following while using CXK PS plate:
1. Exposure
A. Light Source: Unseal under dark or yellow light. Iodine Gallium Lamp is suggested as Exposure Light Source.
B. Exposure time: 60-80seconds ( based on: 3000W, 1m light distance, new light)
C. FUJI grey scale could assist to fix a best exposure time: 2ND step blank, 3rd step inked.
Note: Please fix a reasonable exposure time according to actual light source, power, brightness, distance and all related situation.
2. Develop
A. Process Time: 30-60 seconds.
B. Solution Temperature: 25° C ± 1° C
Note: Please renew or supplement the developer regularly and pay attention to a proper solution density.