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The Mini Pochette Accessoires in Damier Ebene canvas is the perfect way to carry essentials. Its supple, rounded shape gives this pouch a particularly pleasant feel, while its zipped compartment offers a surprising amount of space. It can be hand-carried or attached to a larger bag thanks to the gold-tone chain and hook.
We have been focusing on making top quality of brand name bags, especially L--V. For most of our products, we have them in stock, our delivery time gerenally range from 3-15 days, Meantime, all our bags enjoy an aftersale service of 6 months guarantee.
For all the details, kindly send you inquiry so that we can offer you more clearer pictures and details. we actually have more than 1000 item of bags including men and women handbag, shoulder bag, tote bag, clutch bag, trunk bag, messenger bag, travel bag, duffel bag, sling bag, backpack, flap bag, cosmetic bag with the newest design.