Portable Personal Use Smart Body Shaping Beauty Device Slimming Device

China Portable Personal Use Smart Body Shaping Beauty Device Slimming Device, Find details about China Beauty Device, Body Shaping from Portable Personal Use Smart Body Shaping Beauty Device Slimming Device

Model NO.
freya medical
HS Code
Model NO.
freya medical
HS Code
Portable personal use smart body shaping beauty device slimming device

Mia works on dissolving unwanted fat and shaping body. It applies with the theory of ergonomics in design so that it not only saves effort when using but also comes with better and more visible results. It serves as an instrumental help for women who
desire for a slim figure and glamorous look. It's a good replacement for slimming devices at beauty parlors so that you do it easily at home. It is simple, convenient and fast to operate, and can solve the body management problems of beauty-lovers. This device is safe and effective, without injections, medicines, surgery and side effects. Externaluseisthroughouttheentireprocessandhasimmediateresults.
Portable Personal Use Smart Body Shaping Beauty Device Slimming Device
1.Lipolysis:dissolvefatwithstrongforce. 2.Acceleratemetabolism. 3.Highfrequencyvibrationwithoutrupturingadipocytes. 4. Targeted shaping on unwanted fat of waist, abdomen, hips and legs with visible results. 5.Workonlimbs,andthicklayersofadipocytes. 6.Heatupdeeplayersofskin,acceleratebloodcirculationandmetabolism. 7. Breakthrough: Combine heat, vibration and ultrasound altogether; compared with traditionalultrasoniclipolysis,itpresentswithgreaterandmorevisibleeffects. 8. Targeted only at adipocytes without damaging other tissues, nerves, vessles, and lymphocytes. 9.Replaceandsurpassliposuction. 10.Easytolearnandoperate;comfortableandpainless;enjoyslimmingathome.
Portable Personal Use Smart Body Shaping Beauty Device Slimming Device
Working Principle
It utilizes 60000HZ sound wave on human body, reaching deep into fat layers and breaking up stubborn cellulite for removal. Equipped with high frequency vibration, it leads to friction among fat cells and consumption of heat and water, thus shrinking them. At the same time unilateral vibration also causes a strong impact on fat cells, and that's when cavitaiton occurs, in which cavities or bubbles move, grow and burst. When these cavities that grow in and out of fat cells burstdue to pressure change, fat cells bursts too, thus dissolving the triglyceride to be the glecerin 

BiologicalEffects Blasting fatcells with cavitation means cavities are produced in and out fatcells under a certain level of frequency and energy and when these cavities "blast" accumulated ultrasonic energy move around the area, targeting at stubborn cellulites and separating them through strong ultrasonic wave. The targeted fat cells will then be emulsifies when the pressure hits a certain high level and passed out through

metabolic pathways. In a sense, it achieves a 'no-lasting' effect that fat cells are prohibitedtostay.
85% fat cells will be cleared out through lymphatic drainage, and the rest 15% will be travellingthroughliverandconvertedtocarbohydratesfordailyactivities.
Portable Personal Use Smart Body Shaping Beauty Device Slimming Device
FAST Effects
1.Fastburninganddissolvingfatcells;helptoshapetheperfectcurveline. 2.Acceleratedetoxicationandincreaseskinelasticity. 3.Dissolvefatandridunwantedfat. 4.Helpwithgettingridofaccumulatedfatoncertainareas(e.g.lovehandles). 5.Helpwithgettingridofthickthighs. 6.Helpwithgettingridofjigglyandflabbyarms.
Portable Personal Use Smart Body Shaping Beauty Device Slimming Device
1. Thosewhositforlonghoursandasaresulthavelovehandles. 2. Thosewithjigglyarms. 3. Thosewithlovehandles. 4. Thosewithsquarebutts. 5. Thosewithexcessivefatonbothsidesoflegs. 6. Thosewhoareinpearshapes. 7. Those who haveunwanted or protruding faton differentparts of the body; those whofindithardtofitinclothestheylove.