ZM6129 Bench of Temperature Measurement
Acquisition of the basic principles of the temperature measurement through the tests
Learning of different methods, knowledge of their areas of application and to their particularities
Methods non-electrical
Electrical Methods

Determination of the moisture in the air with a sling psychrometer can be used
Calibration of temperature probes for electrical
Heating Element Power: Minimum 300WAdjustment of the power supplied via a power outlet to power regulationHeating Element of laboratory:Power: Minimum 450WMax. Temperature . : Minimum 425 °C
Thermos bottle: minimum 1L

Measurement Ranges:Pt100 : 0 to 100°CType K Thermocouple: 0 to 1000°CThermistor (NTC) : 20 to 55°CMercury Thermometer: -10 to 300°CTo Thermometer Bimetal Thermometer, gas pressure: 0 to 200°CBands of temperature measurement: 29 to 290°C
Precision Resistors: 10Ω 100Ω, 1000Ω
Sling psychrometer can be used to measure moisture:
-2X temperatures: 0 to 60°C
- Humidity: 3 to 96%