300m, 5000m, 1000m, 2000m Water Well Logging Equipment, Well Logging Tool and Logging Cable
Instruction:Modern logging techniques combine logging tools to obtain a more reliable representation of formation properties. A combination of well logging tools is usually needed to minimize ambiguity in log interpretation, as discussed by Brock [1986]. For example, the combination neutron-density log is a combination log that consists of both neutron log and density log measurements. Possible gas producing zones can be identified by the log traces of the combination neutron-density log. The presence of gas increases the density log porosity and decreases the neutron log porosity [Bassiouni, 1994, pg. 329]. If a sonic log is added to the log suite, quantitative information about lithology can be estimated using cross-plots, and the log suite can be used to calibrate seismic data
Features1.Extension notebook computer.
2.Logging can be made upward and downward
3.Digital and analogue signals can be received.
4.Auto-sampling according to the depth interval.
300m, 5000m, 1000m, 2000m Water Well Logging Equipment Well Logging Tool and Borehole Logging Cable Equipment Geophyscal Borehole Logger1.12-bit A/D converter, enlargement factor k= 0.5~128
2.Counting channel frequency: f ≤500KHz.
3.Digital signals transfer frequency 9600bit/s
4.Analogue signals input: ≤±10V
5.Supply current: 2mA to 500mA (optional)
6.Logging speed: 0 to 30 meter/min.
7.Power consumption: Less than 200W
8.Power supply: AC220V±10% 50Hz±5%
9.Operation temperature: -10°C to +50°C
10.Dimensions: 420×260×210mm
11.Weight: less than 7 kg
Logging System Software
300m, 5000m, 1000m, 2000m Water Well Logging Equipment Well Logging Tool and Borehole Logging Cable Equipment Geophyscal Borehole Logger1.Operation system: windows98/2000/XP
2.Sampling interval: 1cm to 1000cm
3.Max depth of sampling once: 3000m (0.1m sampling interval)
4.Multi-parameter auto-aligns depths.
5.Curves of multi-parameters: up to 10.
6.Curve drift, anomaly deletion, smooth, inverse order, combination, segmentation, computation and so on.
7.Interpreting sections input and rock-formation name, thickness, bottom block depth will be formed automatically.
8.Curve scaled (zoom in or out).
9.Curve depth scales: 1:50,1:100, 1:200, 1:500 and 1:1000
10.Colored or Grey plot maps.
11.Max Map output: width 415mm, length 2310mm.
300m, 5000m, 1000m, 2000m Water Well Logging Equipment Well Logging Tool and Borehole Logging Cable Equipment Geophyscal Borehole Logger M552/SM552 Integrated Wall-Cling Probe
DsCD Logging (double-spaced compensated density)
Natural Gamma Logging
Three-lateral Resistivity Logging
Caliper Logging
Spontaneous Potential Logging
M433/SM433 Dual-Density Probe
R411/SR411 Nature Gamma Probe
GJ-451/SGJ-451 Cement Bond Probe
X411/SX411 Three-lateral Resistivity Probe
S524/SS524 Acoustic Wave Probe
JCS-1/SJSC-1 Digital Inclination Probe
J511/SJ511 Big-hole Caliper Prob
W422/SW422 Temperature and Liquid Resistivity Combined Probe
J411/SJ411 Caliper Probe
H411/SH411 Magnetic Susceptibility Probe
NP442 Multi-Channel Spectrum Probe
Z422/SZ422 Neutron Combined Probe
LLY-1/SLLY-1 Flow Probe
Y411 Fluorescence Probe

300m, 5000m, 1000m, 2000m Water Well Logging Equipment Well Logging Tool and Borehole Logging Equipment Geophyscal Logging Borehole Logger