Digital Borehole Logging Equipment, Geophysical Well Logging Tool, Well Logging Equipment, Wireline Logging borehole log for sale
Features1.Extension notebook computer.
2.Logging can be made upward and downward
3.Digital and analogue signals can be received.
4.Auto-sampling according to the depth interval.
Digital Borehole Logging Equipment, Geophysical Well Logging Tool, Well Logging Equipment, Wireline Logging borehole log for sale1.12-bit A/D converter, enlargement factor k= 0.5~128
2.Counting channel frequency: f ≤500KHz.
3.Digital signals transfer frequency 9600bit/s
4.Analogue signals input: ≤±10V
5.Supply current: 2mA to 500mA (optional)
6.Logging speed: 0 to 30 meter/min.
7.Power consumption: Less than 200W
8.Power supply: AC220V±10% 50Hz±5%
9.Operation temperature: -10°C to +50°C
10.Dimensions: 420×260×210mm
11.Weight: less than 7 kg
Logging System Software
1.Operation system: windows98/2000/XP
2.Sampling interval: 1cm to 1000cm
3.Max depth of sampling once: 3000m (0.1m sampling interval)
4.Multi-parameter auto-aligns depths.
5.Curves of multi-parameters: up to 10.
6.Curve drift, anomaly deletion, smooth, inverse order, combination, segmentation, computation and so on.
7.Interpreting sections input and rock-formation name, thickness, bottom block depth will be formed automatically.
8.Curve scaled (zoom in or out).
9.Curve depth scales: 1:50,1:100, 1:200, 1:500 and 1:1000
10.Colored or Grey plot maps.
11.Max Map output: width 415mm, length 2310mm.
Specifications of JCH-3 Winch Controller
Digital Borehole Logging Equipment, Geophysical Well Logging Tool, Well Logging Equipment, Wireline Logging borehole log for sale1.Speed Range: 1 to 29.9 meters per minute.
2.Depth Error: ≤0.4‰
3.Depth Range: 0 to 9999.99 meters
4.Power Supply: AC220V±10% 50Hz±5%
5.Continually working time: less than 24 hours
6.Depth pulse's unit: 0.25mm per pulse
7.Power Consumption: Less than 1.5kW
8.Work temperature range: -10°C to +70°C
9.Dimensions: 305×200×220 mm.
10.Weights: less than 3 kg
LOGGING PROBES M552/SM552 Integrated Wall-Cling Probe
DsCD Logging (double-spaced compensated density)
Natural Gamma Logging
Three-lateral Resistivity Logging
Caliper Logging
Spontaneous Potential Logging
M433/SM433 Dual-Density Probe
R411/SR411 Nature Gamma Probe
GJ-451/SGJ-451 Cement Bond Probe
X411/SX411 Three-lateral Resistivity Probe
S524/SS524 Acoustic Wave Probe
JCS-1/SJSC-1 Digital Inclination Probe
J511/SJ511 Big-hole Caliper Prob
W422/SW422 Temperature and Liquid Resistivity Combined Probe
J411/SJ411 Caliper Probe
H411/SH411 Magnetic Susceptibility Probe
NP442 Multi-Channel Spectrum Probe
Z422/SZ422 Neutron Combined Probe
LLY-1/SLLY-1 Flow Probe
Y411 Fluorescence Probe
Digital Borehole Logging Equipment, Geophysical Well Logging Tool, Well Logging Equipment, Wireline Logging borehole log for sale
Digital Borehole Logging Equipment, Geophysical Well Logging Tool, Well Logging Equipment, Wireline Logging Borehole Log Water Well Logging Tools for Sale