Iris HooksKuglen Iris Hook and Lens Manipulator, clover leaf model
14101 Angled
14102 Straight
Kuglen Iris Hook and Lens Manipulator, push-pull model34125 Kuglen Iris Hook, angled
34126 Kuglen Iris Hook, straight
Jaffe-knolle Iris Hook14108 Angled
14109 Straight
Fukasaku Small Pupil Snapper HookWith sharp inner edge for splitting the nucleus
14143 With a smoothly polished notch superiorly to push back the iris
Fukasaku Snapper Hook34161 Wedge shaped inferior edge for the Snap&Slit phaco technique
Fenzl Lens Manipulating Hook0.15 mm diameter, T-shaped tip
14103 Angled
14104 Straight
Blunt forked tip14105 Jaffe-Bechert Lens Nucleus Rotator, vertical
14105H Jaffe-Bechert Lens Nucleus Rotator, horizontal
IOL manipulator for lens with or without holesSinskey Lens Manipulating Hook14110 0.15 mm diameter, blunt tip, angled to right
34077 Reverse Sinskey Hook
Sinskey Lens Manipulating Hook34019 Sinskey Lens Manipulating Hook, straight
Lewicky Lens Manipulating Hook14111 0.15 mm diameter blunt tip,,angled to right on a curved shaft
Retina Hook14133A Triangular 0.5 mm tip,,angled 130°
Retina Spatula14133B Rounded tip spatula
Retina Spatula14133C Tip angled 110°
14133D Retina Hook
14119 Retinal Detachment HookGreen Strabismus Hook34068 Flat 7mm wide hook. 130mm long
Jameson Muscle Hook34069 2.0mm bulbous tips with 6mm flat portion
34070 1.5mm bulbous tips
Stevens Curved Tenotomy Hook34071 6mm curved hook, 120mm
Helveston Muscle HookDelicate muscle hook with blunt spatulated tip
14152 8mm
14153 10mm
14154 12mm
Helveston Finder HookLightly angled cone shaped tip
14155 Small
14156 Large
Helveston Teaser Hook14157 6mm hook