GH 70B Glacial Acetic Tank Wagon Description
Load 68t
Tare ≤ 25.8t
Axle load 23t+2% -1%
Total volume 67.6m3
Efficient volume 64.8m3
Equivalent length 1.1
Tare coefficient 0.379
Load per meter of track ≤ 7.5t/m
Min. Radius of curvature 145m
Commercial operating speed 120km/h
Brake leverage 7.5
Brake ratio ( for common brake position)
Empty 25.7%
Loaded 17.7%
Brake distance (loaded, emergency) ≤ 1400m
Track Gauge 1435mm
GH 70B Glacial Acetic Tank Wagon
The wagon is of a structure with center sill. The tank body is of right cone circular section slope bottom structure, which is made from 00Cr17Ni14Mo2 stainless steel. Open-type manhole and stainless steel safety valves for breathing and extracting pipe directly to the tank bottom are set on the top of tank. Center sill is made of hot rolled z-steel with yield strength 450MPa. There are steam jacket and steam pipe structure on the extermal surface of tank bottom. Tank body and MT under frame are connected through saddle pressing plate and tank anchor bolt &anchor plate bolt. Such wagon has the side ladder, with the workbench and guardrail on top of the tank. Coupler draft gear contains grade E steel 17 type coupler, 17type forged steel yoke, MT-2 draft gear. Air brake system of which the brake main pipe pressure achieves 500Kpa and 600Kpa is adopted, including 120 type controlling valve, integral spinning sealed brake cylinder, ST2-250 type BI-direction brake shoe slack adjuster, KZW-A type empty and load automatic adjuster and automatic braking equipment in derailment condition and so on. Stainless steel brake fittings, piping system and high friction coefficient comopsitive brake block are used. Hand brake device is NSW hand brake machine. Converted K6 bogie is adopted,
Such wagon is operated on standard gauge railway to transport chemicals as glacial acetic acid. Load and discharge are both operated on the top

Jiangsu tedrail industrial co.,ltd is a high -tech enterprise intergrating railway passenger cars ,metro vehicles ,railway vehicle and rail fitting design and manufacturing .the company is committed to provide customers with the railway passengers transport system,railway freight system solutions ,the company has an experienced railway vehicle design team and ready to provide users with fast ,high-quality services at any time .the company products have been exported to the United States ,South Afric ,Brazil ,and other countries .covering the vehicle ,bogie and accessories ,coupler and accessories .gangway ,seat ,luggage rack ,air conditioning ,driver operation desk ,electrical cabinets ,electric connectors ,PIS system,FRP composite materials.