China Dafen and Deco Roseo Waterlilly Decorative Floral Oil Painting, Find details and Price about China Waterlilly Oil Painting, Reproduction from Dafen and Deco Roseo Waterlilly Decorative Floral Oil Painting
1.All Paintings Are 100% Hand Painted By Our Experienced Artists . It has been perfectly recreated brushstroke by brushstroke by our talented artist. We not only reproduce every detail of the original painting, but to capture its soul. |
2. You Can Order Any Painting In Any Size. As Your Request. |
3. Material: Oil Paint Or Propylene, Non-Toxic, No Smell, Do Not Fade; Canvas Or Stretched Canvas; |
4. Packing: |
1) 10PCS In A Carton, Individual Packing Available |
2) Inner Packing: A. Film |
3) 4 Protective Corners Outer Packing; |
4) Pothook |
5) Standard Exporting Box Or As Requested |
5. Quality Guaranteed: All Products Are Meticulously Checked And Carefully Selected By A Team Of Experienced Professionals, So That Every Our Customer May Enjoy Original Artworks. |
6. Quality And Finish Time Guaranteed, Deliver The Goods Accredit To Negotiation. |
7. Lowest Price And The Highest Possible Quality, 100% Satisfaction Guarentee. |
8. Money-Back Guarantee, Assure You The Best Services At All Times. |
9. OEM & ODM Available; Large Quantities Of The Same Specifications, Quality Standards, The Time Control Is Our Strength. |
10. Favorable And Professional Shipping, Worldwide |
11.Delivery time:Painting usually ships in 15-45 days after receipt of payment |