550 Survival Paracord Bracelet Paracord Cord Bracelets1. Total Hand made
2. Many colors combinations
3. Many kinds of buckle
4. Can DIY size
We build SurvivalStraps with enough paracord that in an emergency situation you can actually unravel them and deploy the paracord for use.
Several of our customers have used their paracord Survival Bracelets to help themselves and others in some extreme situations. One of our customers used the paracord from his survival bracelet to help save a young girl from drowning.
Another customer used the paracord from his bracelet to fix a buckle that blew out on his body armor while he was serving our country in Iraq. Another Customer used his SurvivalStrap to tie a new grirl down on his car. Another customer used their Strap to repair their shoe while at a concert.
There are thousands of instances when having several feet of paracord would come in extremely handy. The bottom line is that having several feet of paracord with you at all times can be a really good thing!
Stainless Steel Shackle Closure Option - Our shackle closure is made from extremely tough marine grade stainless steel.

You can put your company logo on it to work for your business, make it personalized, standing out from the competition and make a good impression, this small gift will help attracting your customers or build your relationship with them, translate into repeat business, referrals, ,Customized with Your Brand Logo, please contact us