Servicebio 2× Universal Blue Sybr Green Qpcr Master Mix

China Servicebio 2× Universal Blue Sybr Green Qpcr Master Mix, Find details about China Sybr Green, Qpcr Master Mix from Servicebio 2× Universal Blue Sybr Green Qpcr Master Mix

Model NO.
Biochemical Reagent
Model NO.
Biochemical Reagent
Product introduction:
This product is a 2x premix solution for qPCR using SYBR Green I chimeric fluorescence method. The core component, Taq DNA Polymerase, is a heat-activated DNA Polymerase blocked by antibody method, which can effectively inhibit nonspecific amplification under low temperature conditions. Meanwhile, combined with the reaction Buffer optimized for qPCR, Taq DNA Polymerase is very suitable for high specificity and sensitivity qPCR reaction. A good standard curve can be obtained in a wide quantitative area, which is accurate, reproducible and reliable for the quantitative analysis of target genes. At the same time, this product contains a special ROX Passive Reference Dye which is suitable for use in all qPCR instruments, and there is no need to adjust the ROX concentration on different instruments. Blue dye is added in the premix, which has the tracer effect of adding samples, and yellow template diluent is provided at the same time. When the template is diluted with yellow template diluent and added into the blue reaction premix, the color changes from blue to green, which can play a tracer role in the preparation of reaction system process and prevent leakage or misaddition. The spectra of the blue and yellow dyes do not overlap with the qPCR dyes and do not affect the reaction results.

Package Contents:
Cat. No.Product descriptionVolume
G3326-12x Universal Blue SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix1mL/5x1mL/15x1mL
G3326-240x Yellow Template Dilution Buffer1mL

Storage condition:
Wet ice bag transportation; Stored at -20ºC temperature, valid for 12 months.

1. (Optional) template dilution
This kit provides a 40x YELLOW Template Dilution Buffer, a 40-fold diluted Yellow Template Dilution that can be used to accurately determine whether the Template has been added to the qPCR reaction fluid by changing the color of the liquid. Taking the 20ul qPCR reaction system as an example, according to the dilution template amount added into the 20ul qPCR reaction solution, the corresponding dilution method of the original template can be referred to the following table (taking the original template diluted to 100ul as an example):
add the diluted template to the 20ul qPCR reaction solution(ul)12345678
add the 40x YELLOW Template Dilution Buffer to the 100ul Template Dilution System(ul)502516.712.5108.47.26.3
add the 100ul Template Dilution System to the primary template(ul)xxxxxxxx
volume of adding Nuclease - Free Water(ul)50-x75-x83.3-x87.5-x90-x91.6-x92.8-x93.7-x
Example: 2ul diluted template should be added to 20ul qPCR reaction system. Taking the 100ul Template Dilution system as an example, when the original Template volume is 20ul, 25ul 40x Yellow Template Dilution Buffer is added, and then Nuclease-free Water 55ul is added to the total volume of 100ul. The 40x YELLOW TEMPLATE DILUTION BUFFER is now 10x. Add 2ul of the diluted Template into a 20ul Dilution Dilution Buffer, and the final 40× YELLOW Template Dilution Buffer is 1x. In conclusion, the Yellow Template Dilution Buffer should be 1x in the final qPCR system.
Note: If the template does not need to be diluted, or if the template diluent of G3362-2 is not used, you can ignore this step.
2. Recommend the qPCR reaction system:
Component20ul rxn50ul rxnFinal Concentraction
2×Universal Blue SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix10ul25ul
Forward Primer (10uM)a0.4ul1ul0.2uM
Reverse Primer (10uM)a0.4ul1ul0.2uM
TemplatebVariableVariableas required
Nuclease-Free WaterAdd to 20ulAdd to 50ul 
a. Usually, a good amplification effect can be obtained with the final concentration of 0.2um. When the reaction performance is poor, the primer concentration can be adjusted in the range of 0.2-1.0um.
b. The amount of template addition varies with the copy number of the target gene in the template solution, and the appropriate amount of template addition is discussed by gradient dilution. The best addition amount of template DNA in the 20ul reaction system was less than 100 ng. When the cDNA (RT reaction solution) of RT-PCR reaction was used as template, the addition amount should not exceed 10% of the total volume of PCR reaction solution.
3. PCR reaction procedure (can be adjusted according to the instruments) :
A. Two steps methodB. Three steps method
StageStepCycle numberTemperatureTimeStageStepCycle numberTemperatureTime
Stage 1Predegeneration195ºC30 secStage 1Predegeneration195ºC30 sec
Stage 2Degeneration40
15 secStage 2Degeneration4095ºC15 sec
annealing-extension60ºC30 secannealing55-65ºC10 sec
   extension72ºC30 sec
Stage 3melting curve1Instrument default SettingsStage 3melting curve1Instrument default Settings
a: If amplification specificity needs to be improved, two-step procedure or annealing temperature can be used; To improve the amplification efficiency, a three-step procedure or extension time can be used.

1. If pipetting tracing is not required, do not use 40x Yellow Template Dilution Buffer for Template Dilution.  
2. Before using the reagent, please mix it up and down gently, do not swirl and oscillate to avoid bubbles.  
3. When preparing the reaction solution, put the reagent on ice.  
4. This product contains fluorescent staining SYBR Green, and strong light should be avoided when preparing PCR reaction solution.  
5. Please use a new disposable pipette tip for the preparation and repackaging of the reaction liquid to avoid cross-contamination between samples as far as possible.  
6. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw Master Mix, try to use it within one month after thawing.  

ABI: 5700, 7000, 7300, 7700, 7900, 7900HT, 7900 HT Fast, StepOne™, StepOne Plus™, 7500/7500 Fast, ViiA 7™, QuantStudio™ series, PikoRealTM Cycler;
Stratagene: Mx3000P®, 3005P™, 4000™;
Bio-Rad: CFX96™, CFX384™, iCycler iQ™, iQ5™, MyiQ™, MiniOpticon™, Opticon®, Opticon 2, Chromo4™;
Eppendorf: Realplex 2s, Mastercycler® ep, realplex;
IIIumina: Eco QPCR;
Cepheid: SmartCycler®;
Qiagen Corbett: Rotor-Gene® series;
Roche: LightCycler™ series;
Takara: Thermal Cycler Dice series;
Analytikjena: qTOWER series;
qTOWER: LineGene series.

Primer design principles:
1. The length of amplification product is recommended to be between 80-300 bp;  
2. Primer length: 18-25 bp;  
3. The content of base G+C in primers should be between 40%-60%;  
4. The Tm value difference between forward primers and reverse primers is less than 2ºC, and the Tm value between 58-62ºC is the best;  
5. Randomness of base distribution;  
6. Primers had better not contain self-complementary sequences, otherwise they will form a secondary hairpin structure;  
7. There should be no more than 4 complementary or homologous bases between two primers, otherwise primer dimer will be formed, especially complementary overlap at the 3' end;  
8. The 3' terminal base of the primer is suggested to be G or C;  
9. No other non-specific products were found in NCBI comparison results.

Common problems and solutions:
Problem descriptionPossible reasonsSolutions
At the end of the reaction, no amplification curve appeared or CT value appeared too lateThe template concentration is too lowRepeat the experiment to reduce the template dilution multiple, and start from the highest concentration when the sample concentration is unknown
Template degradationThe template was prepared again and the experiment was repeated 
There are PCR inhibitors in the systemGenerally, the template is carried in, the dilution ratio of the template is increased or the template with high purity is reprepared and repeated 
Primers may degradePrimers that have not been used for a long time should first be tested for integrity by PAGE electrophoresis to rule out the possibility of degradation 
Low amplification efficiencyncrease the primer concentration, try a three-step amplification procedure, or redesign the primer 
The amplification product is too longThe amplification product length was controlled in the range of 80-300 bp 
The blank control shows the signalReaction system pollutionFirstly, the blank control water should be replaced. If the same situation still occurs, the primers, aspirators and PCR tubes should be replaced or a new Master Mix should be started. The reaction system is prepared in a super clean table to reduce aerosol pollution
Non-specific amplification such as primer dimers appearsGenerally, it is normal for the amplification products to appear in blank control after 35 cycles, which should be analyzed with the melting curve.
Redesign primer, adjust primer concentration or optimize PCR reaction procedure
The melting curve has multiple peaksPrimer design is poorThe new primer was re-designed according to the primer design principles
Primer concentration is too highReduce primer concentration appropriately 
There is genomic contamination in cDNA templateThe extracted RNA solution is digested using DNA enzymes, such as DSDNase, to remove genomic contamination, or to design transintron primers 
Poor reproducibility of experimentsThe error of adding sample is largeThe use of accurate pipette, with high quality suction head accurate pipette;
High dilution template, adding large volume template to reduce sampling error;
The reaction volume of qPCR was enlarged
The template concentration is too lowRepeat the experiment to reduce the dilution times of the template 
Temperature deviation at different locations of the qPCR instrumentCalibrate the qPCR instrument regularly 
The amplification curve is not smoothFluorescence signal is too weak, produced after system correctionEnsure that the dyes premixed in the Master Mix are not degraded;
Replace fluorescent signal to collect better qPCR consumables
Amplification curve breaks or slipsThe template concentration was higher and the baseline endpoint value was greater than the CT valueThe baseline endpoint (Ct value -3) was reduced and the data were reanalyzed
Amplification curves of individual Wells suddenly dropped sharplyThere are bubbles in the reaction tubeEnsure that MIX is completely dissolved, and do not swirl and oscillate evenly;
After the sample is added, the bubbles are removed by centrifugation with light elastic.
The pre-denaturation time was extended to 10 min to remove the bubbles

Servicebio 2× Universal Blue Sybr Green Qpcr Master MixServicebio 2× Universal Blue Sybr Green Qpcr Master MixServicebio 2× Universal Blue Sybr Green Qpcr Master MixServicebio 2× Universal Blue Sybr Green Qpcr Master MixServicebio 2× Universal Blue Sybr Green Qpcr Master MixServicebio 2× Universal Blue Sybr Green Qpcr Master MixServicebio 2× Universal Blue Sybr Green Qpcr Master MixServicebio 2× Universal Blue Sybr Green Qpcr Master MixServicebio 2× Universal Blue Sybr Green Qpcr Master Mix