China Compact Weather Station of Wind Speed Wind Direction Temperature Humidity Air Pressure, Find details about China Weather Station, Weather Station Wind Speed from Compact Weather Station of Wind Speed Wind Direction Temperature Humidity Air Pressure
RK900-10 automatic weather instrument is simultaneously measure the atmospheric temperature, atmospheric humidity,air pressure,wind speed, wind direction, solar radiation,Illuminance/UV,dust concentration and precipitation.Temperature, humidity and air pressure sensor is placed within the radiation shield.Wind speed and direction of ultrasonic principle.24G radar detection on rainfall, which can quickly detect rainfall and rainfall intensity.Internal GPS global positioning module and electronic compass can be mounted to the system to give a good indication of latitude and longitude and relative speed, which can calculate the real and virtual wind speed and direction, and is especially suitable for installation on motion vector, such as special vehicles or vessels, etc.
Measure item | Principle | Range | Resolution | Accuracy | |
Wind speed | Ultrasonic | 0-60m/s | 0.01m/s | ±3% | |
Wind direction | Ultrasonic | 0-360º | 1° | ±3° | |
Atmospheric temperature | MEMS | -40-+80ºC | 0.1ºC | ±0.3ºC | |
Atmospheric humidity | MEMS | 0-100%RH | 0.1%RH | ±3% | |
Atmospheric pressure | MEMS | 150-1100hPa | 0.1hpa | ±1hPa | |
Precipitation(Rain/Hail/Snow) | Radar | 0-4mm/min | 0.01mm | ±0.4mm | |
Solar radiation | Silicon-cell | 0-1750W/m2 | 1W/m2 | ±5% | |
Illuminance | optional | Silicon-cell | 0-20klux | 1lux | ±5% |
UV | Silicon-cell | 100-200kμW/cm2 | 1μW/cm2 | ±10% | |
Dust concentration(PM2.5,PM10) | Photoelectric scattering | 0-2000μg/m3 | 1μg/m3 | ±4% | |
Supply | 12-24VDC | ||||
Output | RS485,RS232,SDI-12 | ||||
Communication Protocol | Modbus-rtu(default),NMEA-0183,SDI-12 | ||||
Data update cycle | 1s(default),other optional | ||||
Power consumption | <2W,auto-heating power: 6W | ||||
Operating temperature | -40-+80ºC | ||||
EMC | EN61000-6-3 , EN61000-3-3 EN61000-3-2 , EN61000-6-1 | ||||
IP Rating | IP66 | ||||
Main material | ABS+ Aluminum alloy |
Q: Are you the final manufacturer?
A: Yes, We are SENSOR manufacturer and exporter in china with 10+ years experience and with the factory authorized by SGS.